Soothsayer Damus
Autor: goude2017 • September 20, 2017 • 849 Words (4 Pages) • 613 Views
fifteen. Thereafter we headed towards the
city square where we were told was where the main events were held. Everything was
going fine and I had myself some wine while my buddy and I were having a nice discussion
when I see people crowding around a man who I had envisioned about . I immediately
proceed to get up with a jump and head quickly towards the man maneuvering through the
crowd until I am just in hearing distance of the man who I now recalled was the hero who
had slain Pompey. With a shout I yell for him shouting his name,"Caesar!" I am able to get
his attention and with that I yell my warning," Beware the ides of march!" One of the men
who stood by his side escorts me to Caesar where I repeat my warning but to my dismay
Caesar brushes it off and calls me a dreamer. He then proceeds to leave and I go back to
my friend feeling defeated and worried because I just can’t shake the feeling that
something horrible is going to happen to Caesar.As I review my visions the more severe
the situation seems as the warning becomes clearer that he is in danger. I later found out
that was the day Caesar was to be crowned and thus adding to my urgency of getting him
to understand the gravity of the situation. Over the next several days I tried getting in contact
with Caesar to no avail when I finally accept that there is little to be done to save Caesar
and that he was the only one with the ability to change his fate. As if a cruel joke the only
and final time I had to encounter Caesar and talk to him was the day of March fifteen. Both
he and I acknowledge that the day has come but worst part of it was I was a fool to believe
that nothing was to happen as nothing had. I didn’t even give him another warning or try and
change his mind. I do believe that Caesar’s death was my fault. I cannot forgive myself for
allowing the fall of a great man such as he. I sincerely could have done so much more to
save his life and the fact that I didn’t makes me a man not worthy of being called one. If only
Caesar has taken my warning to heart and given it more consideration he would have
avoided his undoing. He would have helped himself more than I could. That day just before
the crowning was to commence it was said that the party of men at Caesar’s side stabbed