Ophelia: To Be or Not To Be
Autor: Adnan • May 14, 2018 • 1,797 Words (8 Pages) • 667 Views
unused to making any of her own decisions. Noting this, it’s easier to see how Ophelia could’ve slipped into madness at the loss of her father, especially whilst her brother away in France leaving her utterly alone and at the hands of the murderous royal family.
In the interest of exploring other options before coming to a completely rounded conclusion, what if Ophelia’s demise was simply an accident? This could have occurred either because her madness made her blind to the danger that she was in or she simply did not care. The circumstances she finds herself in, in which she loses her lover and her father dies suddenly, may have very well driven her to the brink of insanity. Perhaps she truly did not realize she was in danger until it was too late because she was distracted with thoughts of her own misfortune. Yet even if this is so, why did Gertrude not mention she attempted to pull her out? Why did Gertrude not call attendants to try to help Ophelia at the very least? In the period of this play, mental illness was not necessarily treated properly, but to let someone drown to death without attempting to save them is certainly willful negligence.
Suicide is defined as the act of intentionally causing one’s own death. (Mental Health Daily). Ophelia was certainly not lacking in motive but was she upset enough by the tragic happenings in her life to actually end it altogether? In fact, the church seems to believe so as it does not allow Ophelia to have a full Christian burial, despite Gertrude claiming that the branch broke and Ophelia fell into the river by accident. Yet again, we question Gertrude’s actions. In this scenario, Gertrude may have even had more reason to save Ophelia because what God-fearing Catholic wouldn’t have been concerned for Ophelia’s soul, had it been made clear that she was trying to commit suicide? This simply does not add up.
Thematically, if Gertrude were to blame for Ophelia’s early demise, it would’ve been perfect for both the family theme and because Gertrude and Ophelia are painted as foils of each other. Comparisons are often drawn between the two, typically by Hamlet. They contrast each other in what is called, “Madonna-whore dichotomy,” a phrase coined by Sigmund Freud. Thus meaning, a man, in this instance Hamlet, cannot find someone so innocent attractive but also cannot have respect for a whore. Gertrude is portrayed as promiscuous and in Hamlet’s eyes, unfaithful to her first husband by remarrying again. In contrast, Ophelia is shown as a virginal, innocent girl who is respectful and compliant with her father’s wishes. As foils, Ophelia represents the innocence of Denmark and the possible future mother of Hamlet’s children while Gertrude in the past had represented the same thing. In killing Ophelia, Gertrude would be destroying any sense of purity in Denmark and within herself.
If Gertrude were to blame for Ophelia’s early demise, it would be perfect of Shakespeare to have done thematically in that they are a family of murderers. Claudius has poisoned his own brother, Hamlet Senior and then Hamlet Junior, the Prince, accidentally stabs Polonius thinking him to be Claudius. A family that murderers that all end up dead in the end of the tragedy. It would almost mess up the theme if Gertrude had not been the cause of Ophelia’s death in some way or another, whether out of negligence or if she had drowned Ophelia herself.
Did Ophelia commit suicide, did Gertrude kill her or was her fall simply an accident? Ophelia had much to be depressed about, perhaps depressed enough to want to end her own life. Gertrude was the only character to bear witness to Ophelia’s end. A rather detailed end, curiously. Perhaps Ophelia allowed herself to drown in her own madness, leading her to accidentally drown in reality. The truth of Ophelia’s demise is open to speculation, however it is obvious that Hamlet was not the only character who pondered the question; “To be or not to be.”
Works Cited:
“15 Common Causes of Suicide: Why Do People Kill Themselves.” Mental Health Daily, http://mentalhealthdaily.com/2014/07/23/15-common-causes-of-suicide-why-do-people-kill-themselves/. Accessed 24 Oct. 2016.