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Autor:   •  June 3, 2018  •  1,021 Words (5 Pages)  •  568 Views

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Being despondent and wounded beyond repair, I thought of exploring another world, a world which was far away from human beings. Flashbacks of my suffering made my spirit bolder to damage the one thing which brought me to this heinous family, my beautiful eyes. I quickly got up and walked on and on towards a river bank. I looked at the vast sky and heard the soft murmur of water. It was ESCAPE time.

Finding a broken piece of glass, I viewed the world through it. In the spur of the moment, I stabbed the pointed side of it in my left eye and then into the right. My eyes were wet, but not as usual with tears. I took a deep breath and plunged into the cold water. My sore body with a troubled soul swayed in the direction of the wind. A rich sense of release assisted my happy spirit to unshackle itself from the body which had been smashed to smithereens, and it did not feel like I was leaving something behind. Ecstatic and at peace, I rose out of the water, being able to see everything perfectly well with my soul’s eyes.

Now I do not abhor my eyes because with their help, I have met various sea and land creatures, but never a living person. Dogs are my best friends. It is so much fun to play with them. We can hop all around the place as they, unlike other beings, can see me vividly. Keeping in mind my final punishment, I have a soft corner for them. Were it not for the dog food in a dog dish, I would have never been able to live a free and happy life, a life after death.

So, I guess that is all about me and my merry immortal life. I’ve got to go now. My buddies are calling out for me and if I do not go right away, people will think that these “brainless” dogs are barking senselessly.


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