Rebbeca - Daphne Du Maurier
Autor: Tim • January 18, 2018 • 1,417 Words (6 Pages) • 665 Views
Curious about what happened to Rebecca, and start hallucination about what she was meaning
for Mr. maxim and if she was very beautiful.
5-Rebecca’s Room: Rebecca’s cousin Jack Favel came to Manderley when Maxim is away. For
two days in London, he was known Mrs. Danvers very well, Mrs. De Winter met him and he
talked with her in a strange way, what making her doesn’t feel comfortable to him. Mrs. de
Winter accidentally goes into Rebecca’s room where she shocked when she saw everything was
preserved as it used to be.
6-The Fancy-Dress Dance: Lady Crowan: A local noblewoman who encourages Mr. maxim to
do a fancy dress party at Manderley, and Mrs. de Winter has no idea what to wear. Mrs. Danvers
in unusually kind from her she suggests to Mrs. De Winter to choose and wear a costume replica
from picture was a painting by Raeburn of Caroline de Winter. The same costume, in fact, had
been worn by Rebecca in her last previous fancy dress party. That what make Maxim gets very
7-The Sunken Boat: Mrs. De Winter starting suspect if her husband she thinks that he still in
love with Rebecca, and she said that her marriage fail. Then suddenly everything changing when
they discovered the sunken boat, and Rebecca body is found in the boat. And this what make
Maxim to confess the true to his new wife. He and Rebecca hated each other. Rebecca had series
of love affairs, and then she goes to be pregnant by another man and threatened to load Maxim
responsibility of raising the child. One night she back from London and went to the cottage he
thinks that their someone with her, but she was alone he killed her and took the body out in the
boat, which he sank at sea. Mrs. De Winter Instead to be scared from her husband murderer she
felt relieved to hear that Maxim didn’t and doesn’t love Rebecca.
8-The Inquiry: start inquest with Maxim. and the boat builder talk about three holes hammered
through the bottom of the boat, and when he went to Inquiry surprises that he found Mr. Jack
Favel Rebecca cousin. Than Maxim is asked if he and Rebecca had a happy relationship, Mrs. de
Winter gets faint.
9- Favell Accuses Maxim: The result from Inquiry find that Rebecca suicide. But Jack Favell
Accused Maxim for murder her, and Insists that Rebecca wasn’t suicidal. And his evidence was
a letter was Rebecca send it to him in the same day before she left London to Monderly.
Than It is revealed that Rebecca had a secret visit to a London doctor.
10-The Visit to Dr. Baker: Mr. De Winter, Mrs. De Winter, Colonel Julan and Favell behind
them in his car start driving to London to Dr. Baker. The drive to London was endless Maxim
was tired and there were shadows under his eyes. They meet the doctor and ask about if he
remember a woman her name Rebecca but he said that he never heirs this name before, he said
she must use another name. and they ask him to look if he had any information in his
papers about this appointment, the surprise was she use name Mrs. Danvers. They reveal that
Rebecca wasn’t pregnant, but suffering from a serious illness and would have died within a few
months. Maxim thinks Rebecca wanted him to kill her. On returning to Manderley, Maxim and
his wife finds it on fire.
Oar: along pole with a flat blade at one end, used for rowing a boat
Scorn: angry disrespect.
Worship: to admire someone greatly.
Clumsy: unskillful in handing things or people.
Cushion: a soft bag on which a person can lie or sit comfortable.