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Warrick Dunn

Autor:   •  January 3, 2019  •  1,314 Words (6 Pages)  •  775 Views

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and life, he also was able to live his own. Dunn was a senior in high school when his mom had passed, she always wanted him to attend Florida State University and continue to play ball. After he graduated high school he began his college career at Florida State University. Years Later he was drafted by the NFL by Tampa Bay Bucs and later went to the Atlanta Flacons.

Transition: Although he was successful in football, that was not all he wanted to be known for.

Point 4: The Legacy

Subpoint A: Warrick Dunn is a very respectful person, he is very down to earth, very

humble. Some people think that he didn’t have to raise his siblings, they believe he could have went on with his life and made his money in football, for him that was not an option. Twenty years ago, Dunn started a foundation called Homes For The Holidays. This program is dedicated for single-parent families and is aimed to help those single parents reach that goal of one day owning a home. Homes for the Holidays provides $5,000 in downpayment assistance on new homes, according to

Subpoint B: In 2002, The Warrick Dunn Foundation was established. According to, “Warrick Dunn Charities was created from the belief that a better future begins with hope.” Dunn dedicated all of his accomplishments to one person, he mom. Dunn honors his mother in ways she herself probably couldn’t imagine. As she was taken away

too soon at the age of 36, says, “As single mother of six, she worked tirelessly to achieve the American Dream of owning a home.” Dunn knew his mom was not the only single parent out there with the same dream so he believed the best way to honor her was to make other single, hardworking parents dream come true.

Transition: As life threw unexpected obstacles in his way, Dunn made it through. Conclusion: The murder of his mother, raising his siblings, taking on adult responsibilities at a young age made Dunn stronger than ever. He began a legacy, he became in even bigger inspiration than he thought he could. He achieved great things in life and instead of soaking in it, he gives back to the community, he give back that hope people need to live life and honors his mother with every day that passes.

Works Cited

“Warrick Dunn.” Bio - The Warrick Dunn Story - Founder of Warrick Dunn Charities. Web. 08

Oct. 2017.

“Warrick Dunn.” Louisiana Sports Hall of Fame. Web. 09 Oct. 2017.

“About Us.” Warrick Dunn Charities. Web. 03 Oct. 2017.

Dunn, Warrick, and Don Yaeger. Running for my life: my journey in the game of football and

beyond. Harper, 2009.

Tuck, Angela . “Former Flacon Warrick Dunn Makes Home Ownership a Reality for Many.” Ajc,

20 Dec. 2016. Web. 01 Oct. 2017.

“Louisiana Demographics of Poor People.” NCCP , Trustees of Columbia University in the City

of New York, 17 May 2017. Web. 10 Oct. 2017


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