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The Dancing Princesses

Autor:   •  February 4, 2018  •  1,995 Words (8 Pages)  •  630 Views

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Scene 3

Queen: I’m at my wits’ end. And I can’t afford another shoe. I must be frank that the country is going

bankrupt. We need a loan from Maybank!!

Hugh: Greetings to you, the most noble queen. A solution is what I’ve come to bring.

Queen: And your name, sir?

Hugh: I’m Hugh.

Cha-cha: That’s a cute name !

Queen: Fail in this task – and you’ll be dead.

Valerie: What a dirty looking man. This poor guy is sure to lose his head.

Hugh: I shall not fail – And I’m sure I’ll get to choose my fair princess.

Narrator: Hugh winks at Princess Jitterbug, who looks interested.

Queen: Well, then sir. You can save the nation. It’s time to start the mission. (To Princesses) Goodnight to you

and you. (To Hugh) and you too ! We will see if your boastings are true tomorrow morning.

Bossanova: Before you settle down, have some of the finest vintage Malaysian beer. Do not worry, this is tiger

beer, eighteen-seventy-nine ! Still has a day before it expires.

Hugh: How very kind of you, my dear! How did you guess? My favourite beer!

Narrator: He raises the glass to drink. He pours the beer in the flowerpot next to him when Jitterbug turns.

Jitterbug: Is something wrong?

Hugh: A little cramp.

Jitterbug: You’re sure you’re not a little damp? Are you sure you’re not drowsy? You look rather tired. Maybe

you should get some rest.

Hugh: Oh no. (He yawns) That beer probably has gone to my head. (wriggles again) Or possibly to my legs and

arms. I think it’s time to go to bed.

Narrator: Hugh lies down on the bed and pretends to be asleep. The Princesses watch him intently.

Bossanova: He’s fast asleep. How stupid and ignorant of him to drink the expired drugged beer? He was

rather easy to deal with similarly to the one billion other guys.

Cha-cha: Poor soul. Look at him, sleeping just like a baby in a cradle without knowing death is awaiting

him. Such a waste. He’s pretty good looking actually.

Jitterbug: And while he’s in his drunken trance. Come, girls! It’s time for us to dance!

Bossanova: Let’s go! We’re going to have a ball!

Narrator: And so these bad princesses strayed off on their nightly escapade.

Scene 4

Narrator: The princesses excited the room to an enchanted avenue, leading to a castle ballroom unware that

Hugh was following them cleared in invisibility and accidently steps on Jitterbug’s gown.

Jitterbug: Ouch!

Cha-cha: That’s a nasty fall!

Jitterbug: That’s very odd, is someone here? I felt that someone just stood on my dress.

Cha-cha: Are there ghosts around here? I felt that there is presence following here.

Bossanova: Don’t be ridiculous, there’s no one here except us. It’s just your imagination, you fool.

Jitterbug: Oh, of course, that’s a relief. However, it’s rather queer or there isn’t any ghost around here.

Narrator: Hugh pulls a leaf off a tree for evidence.( sound effect)

Cha-cha: What was that noise?! I know it, there are ghosts around here!

Jitterbug: No, no , no! It was my shoes. They always squeak. I bet Valerie bought them from the night

market ! That feel I had already ordered her to get the limited edition Jimmy Choo shoes from


Hugh: I have already walked a mile. Perhaps I should collect more evidence to prove my presence!

Narrator: Hugh breaks a twig off a tree. (sound effect)

Bossanova: What was that noise? I’m pretty sure someone is following us.

Jitterbug: Don’t worry, dear. It is the sound of my low quality shoes as I tripped and before broke my heels.

Cha-cha: Oh my, you should make Valerie pay for the blisters on your knees, it should be one billion dollars.

Bossanova: Oh please, that poor servant living in poverty has no money to pay your blisters.

Cha-cha: It’s okay. After the dance, we shall go for our usual one thousand dollars foot therapy.

Bossanova: That’s way too cheap! My foot therapy usually cost a million dollars!

Jitterbug: Please don’t exaggerate, you’re the reason the country is going bankrupt.

Bossanova: Oh please, I’ve been saving since I was a baby. Shut up!

Narrator: A grumbling sound is heard. Hugh picks an apple as he is hungry. This time the noise is like foghorn.

The princesses are in shock.

Bossanova: I think there is something suspicious going out here. Come out now before I get angry and

demand my soldiers to decapitate you!

Cha-cha: Why on earth


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