Labour Relations - Public Sector Labour Relations Canada
Autor: Maryam • March 7, 2018 • 1,602 Words (7 Pages) • 927 Views
services legislation. In 2015, “the Supreme Court of Canada in Saskatchewan Federation of Labour v Saskatchewan confirmed once and for all that the right to strike is protected under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.” (Saint-Cyr. Y, para 1) “The Saskatchewan Federation of Labour challenged Saskatchewan’s Public Service Essential Services Act (PSESA) and the Trade Union Amendment Act, which came into force May 14, 2008, alleging both pieces of legislation violated section 2(d) of the Charter, which protects freedom of association and expression.”(Saint-Cyr. Y, para 2) Another example is Nova Scotia which has bill 37, where “all unionized health-care workers will require an essential services plan signed off by the employer guaranteeing patient safety before any strike.” (CBC News, 2014, para 3) There was also “Bill 115 Putting Students First Act in Ontario started in 2012, ending in April 2016 when the Ontario Supreme Court ruled Bill 115 unconstitutional because it denies educational workers the right to collective bargaining and the right to strike.” (Nova Scotia Federation of Labour, 2016, para7)
As I read through these online articles, it’s hard not to notice all of the public opinion comments, some are on the side of the teachers and just as many are not. For example, a facebook comment of user Douglas Nelson “ Teachers seem to live in insulated spheres of privilege. Their pay increases have far outstripped increases negotiated by private sector union.” (2016) Or a real goody from facebook user Jessy Beckard “Wake up teachers, your only hurting the kids. Stop hiding behind them to line your pockets.” (2014) On the other side of the fence are comments like Jan Chobaniuk’s who said “ This does seem to be a pretty pro government article many serious issues have not been addressed. I wish people would educate themselves on the issues involved here. The teacher’s constitutional right to bargaining for working conditions was struck down by the government. Subsequent court cases have favored teachers twice in this.” (2014) Also seemingly on the side of teachers, Susan Cunningham “So what we really need is a government that understands that public education needs to be seen as a priority and finally start providing sufficient funding for it!” (2014)
Personally, I agree with BCTF president, Glen Hansman’s words referring to the Supreme Court’s ruling 4 months ago “It’s exciting, for sure,” Mr. Hansman said, though he said it is disappointing that teachers have had to fight for so long for this reality”.(Bailey, I.,2017, para 6) It is widely agreed upon that the right to strike is a fundamental part of labour relations and should not be stripped away from union members. That being said, I can definitely see the side of the BC government who did what they did to satisfy the voters, probably to keep themselves in power, and possibly they honestly felt that it was the right decision for the residents of our province as a whole.
Bailey, I., (2017, Mar 5) The globe and Mail, B.C. teachers to vote on agreement between union …… and provincial government, Retrieved from …………between-union-and-provincial-government/article34211285/
CBC News, (2014, Apr 4) Essential services bill a game changer for labour relations, Retrieved …...from …...……our-relations-1.2597936
Nova Scotia Federation of Labour (2016, Dec 15) NS Government should take heed of recent …...court decisions favouring unions, Retrieved from …...…...s/
Saint-Cyr. Y., (2015, Feb 26) Slaw. Supreme Court Confirms Right to Strike Constitutionally …...Protected,Retrieved from …...…...ted/
Shaw, R., (2014, May 22), Vancouver Sun, Timeline of the long and troubled bargaining history of …...B.C.’s teachers and the provincial government, Retrieved from …..…
Suffield, L., Gannon, G.(2016), Labour Relations (4th ed.). Toronto:Pearson Canada
The Canadian Press, (2012, Mar 15) B.C. teachers’ contract bill set to become law, Retrieved …….from …….…….aw-1.1133510
Zussman, R., (2016, Nov 10), CBC News. Timeline: Nearly 15 years of court battles between …….province and BCTF, Retrieved from …….…….between-province-and-bctf-1.3846338
Zussman, R., (2017, Mar 4), The Canadian Press. B.C. teachers, province reach tentative deal …….on classroom size and composition, Retrieved from …….…….al-on-classroom-size-and-composition-1.4010368