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The Application “fanmeeter”

Autor:   •  January 24, 2019  •  Business Plan  •  3,202 Words (13 Pages)  •  727 Views

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Business plan of the application “Fanmeeter”

  1. Business Description


Fanmeeter as an application created for systems IOS, android and windows. This application is made for all types of sport fans that are looking for a place to watch and support their favourite team. We also think about people that look for someone with who they can cheer together or just talk about sport, drink some beer and spend good time in bar with someone with the same sport interests.

Story behind

The idea for that application came up to me one evening when I went to my friend who is bar owner. I visited him on Friday and yet the bar was empty, he told me that it is normal cause he has customers only on days when some sport events happens, to be precise those events had to be local, Warsaw club, Legia match or national team match in order to make his bar full. This means that every month he has to pay 100 PLN for all sport channels, however he has any profit from them only few days a month. After all every month he cannot break even.

In that time I had some problem as well, I’m handball fan. Unfortunately this sport is not very popular, which is actually very strange because Poland is very strong in handball, national team scored bronze medal on last world championships and one of polish handball club, Vive tauron Kielce has won handball champions league which mean that they are currently the best handball team in whole Europe. Small interest however, cause low accessibility of that sport. Whenever legia plays, you can watch it in national TV, which is free and everyone has access to this. With handball the situation is different. After some national successes, handball matches of national team started to appear in TV however in order to watch some games between polish clubs you need to have very expensive sport channels.

So I had a friend that needed to spend money on sport channels in order to have any revenues in his bar and me, who wanted to watch some game in the company and my friend who would like to have more customers and had already all sport channels paid. In that moment I have realised that people might offer bar owners some trade-off, customers will come and drink something and bar owners will allow them to watch the sport that they want.

This is how the main idea of fanmeeter has been born. It took me few years to find right team of people that will allow me to create an application like that. Through all this years the idea has evolve and change many times to finally come into its’ current shape and format.

Users and Customers

There are two king of customers of our application. People who want to spend nice time watching matches and people who want to provide a nice and profitable service related to the sport competitions and matches. Those type of users are normal user and premium user.

Normal user

This type of user consider everyone, who wants to use our application and have fun with this. Fanmeeter is free for normal user. He might have meet some advertisements in the application that will make us at least a bit profitable and will allow to provide the app for free for users. Normal user can create events or take part in the one created.

There are two ways to register into fanmeeter:

  1. Users can create they account and then be logged in with their email address, with will become their login.
  2. Users can also log in using their Facebook with is preferable form of registering because it allows to interact with friends from Facebook, this is also faster way.  We can also see how important is faccebook if we say about mobile applications and social media. Later we will connect our application to the other important medias, like Twitter and Instagram

Premium user

Those users are basically our customers. These are mostly bars and restaurants, that would like the benefit from our application. They cannot create events or take part in any of them. Premium users has official profile that can be seen if u tap on the star by with the bar is located on the map. Being premium user is not free, they have to pay 9.99$ monthly, however thanks to that payment they are visible on the map and might become a place of meeting of normal users. Whenever normal user create an event in some bar/restaurant/club the request is sent to the owner of that place (premium user). In this moment premium user has to make a decision, is he able to accept that big event and is he willing to play the game that is to be played on the event. In case of not responding to five request in the row or breaking accepted rules, for example accepting that the owner will play match “A” but then he refused to play it, the premium user will be punished with consequently 3 days, 7 days, 14 days, 21 days, 30 days and at the end 180 days ban. Meanwhile the bar owner still has to pay monthly fee but is not visible on the map. After ban penalties bar owner starts getting financial penalties with equal to 6 month fee, so at current prices – 59,94$. This financial penalties might be changed if the reaction of the premium users will not be as we projected. Due to the fact that normal users are the most important for us we will not allow for ignoring them.


To show You how the application looks like and how to use it we have prepared prototype that consists of six screens.

Screen #1

[pic 1]

Logging screen, here users has two option, log in with their unique login and password, using their email address, or log in using their facebook account. On this screen we have used a rule, the less the better. Screen number one is as simple as it can be. Our colours are similar to colours of facebook, we wanted to reach by that positive feelings, users has a feeling that it is something already known to them, looks familiar. We have also placed there our logo and name.

Screen #2

[pic 2]

This is the first thing that our users see when they log into the app. We can see a map on with the user is pointed with red pointer. The colours of the map are not very attractive at the moment, however we will work on that more in the future. All bars (premium users) are located with star, user can click on the star in order to see more information, which can be seen on screen number three.

Screen #3

[pic 3]

When the user click on the star he receive more detailed information. He can get two types of information, about the bar itself in case there is no event happening in that bar or about the closest event in that bar. If there is some event happening there will be the name of the bar, address, what event happened and when.


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