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Fina 5170 Financial Management

Autor:   •  February 16, 2018  •  2,815 Words (12 Pages)  •  831 Views

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me in

writing of the expected date(s) and reasons within one week of the beginning of class.

Otherwise, you will not be allowed to make up any class work due during that absence. See the

section on makeup exams below for guidelines regarding missing an exam due to an important

personal event.

Financial Calculator: You will need a basic financial calculator like the TI BAII Plus for

exams, quizzes, and study. Although scientific calculators will solve most of the problems that

we will encounter, they cannot solve problems like bond yield to maturity calculations.


Achievement of Learning Objectives

Chapter readings, PowerPoint slides, assignments, projects, quizzes, discussions, and exams are

a system designed to achieve the course learning objectives. You will test your short term

progress with assignments and quizzes on chapter material. Longer term progress in the course is

measured with the exams.

Checking for Updates or Changes

I am providing due dates in this syllabus for regularly occurring assignments like the chapter

quizzes and exam homework. I will not post announcements for each of these unless there is a

change in the due date. It it is your responsibility to check Blackboard frequently for changes

and current due dates for assignments.

Exam Review Materials

You will have access to the textbook in either electronic or paper format and I will post the

PowerPoint slides created by the textbook publisher for your review. However, you should keep

in mind that I do not cover every topic in every chapter and I cover some topics that are not in

the text, so I don’t recommend that you read every page of each chapter in the text or review

every publisher supplied PowerPoint slide. PowerPoint slides that I have created, some with

narration, will be posted on Blackboard. These slides, the chapter quizzes, and the exam review

problems are your best guideline for topics that may appear on the exams. You still may find that

a review of these topics in text may be helpful, but you should not focus exclusively on the text

in preparing for the exams.

Chapter Quizzes

Chapter quizzes are all multiple choice and are automatically graded. The quizzes are open book

open notes, but you are not to collaborate on the quizzes. Quiz due dates are shown in the table

at the end of the syllabus. If there is a problem with launching the quiz, etc., I may extend the

due date. I will post an announcement if I change a due date. You have two attempts for each

quiz and I will take the highest score of the two attempts as your final quiz grade. Be aware that

some of the quiz questions are algorithmic, the numbers change each time you take the quiz.

Chapter quiz results should be available in a few minutes following submission. Chapter quizzes

are coordinated with the textbook chapter material and are designed to support the learning

objectives of the chapter.

Problems with Blackboard or Connect

If you experience a problem in completing a Blackboard or Connect assignment, quiz, project,

homework, etc., you should immediately contact the student help desk at 940-565-2324 to get

assistance or at least complete a remedy ticket. If the problem cannot be resolved, you should

also immediately email me to document the problem. Without the remedy ticket and email, I will

not be able to offer any accommodation for the problem.

Online Exams

The online exams will be available on Blackboard for a four hour period, 6 pm until 10 pm.

Once you begin the exam, you have 2.5 hours within the four hour period to complete it in one


sitting; you can’t pause and then return to the exam once you have started. For instance, if you

begin the exam at 6:30 pm, then you have until 9 pm to complete it. If you experience technical

problems with launching or completing the online exams, you should immediately call the

student Blackboard help desk at 940-565-2324 to report the problem and get assistance or at

least complete a remedy ticket. In deciding how to deal with problems of this nature, I will rely

on the help desk report, so it is very important that you contact the help desk quickly. If the

student help desk cannot resolve the problem in a timely manner, you should then immediately

email me to document the situation. If the help desk reports to me that the problem is due to a

flaw in the exam or a malfunction of Blackboard, I will consider allowing you more time to

complete the exam or allowing you to take a makeup exam at a later date. If the help desk reports

no Blackboard or exam problems and your classmates report no problems, then I will assume

that the problem is local with your computer or system and you will be required to take the

comprehensive exam in lieu


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