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Drug Free Workplace

Autor:   •  February 6, 2018  •  1,470 Words (6 Pages)  •  715 Views

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3.3 All drug-testing information will be maintained in separate confidential files.

A. Any employee who tests positive will be immediately removed from duty and will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

B. Any employee who refuses the screening of the test, adulterates or dilutes the specimen or refuses to cooperate in the testing process in such a way that prevents the completion of the test will be subject to termination of employment. The medical clinic will observe a standardized procedure for urine specimen collection, evaluation and result reporting. An applicant producing a confirmed positive test result may not request retesting at an alternate laboratory.

C. In the event of an employee or applicant’s confirmed positive test result, the medical clinic will notify the Human Resources Director/Manager and/or Occupational Nurse. The Human Resources Director/Manager will notify the applicant that he or she is ineligible for employment

D. The Company will inform and advise employees of what actions will be taken by the Company should an employee test positive. The fact of a confirmed positive test result will be confirmed on a “need-to-know” basis, usually limited to the medical clinic and necessary management personnel.

E. Upon written request to the clinic, a copy of the laboratory report will be provided to the applicant or employee.


A. Encourages employees to seek help if they are concerned that they are suffering from drug and/or alcohol dependence or substance abuse.

B. Offers all employees assistance with alcohol dependence, drug addictions and/or substance abuse through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).


The company recognizes that alcohol, drug abuse and addiction are treatable illnesses. We also realize that early intervention and support improve the success of rehabilitation. The Company will assist and support employees who voluntarily seek help for such problems before becoming subject to discipline under this Policy. To support our employees, our drug-free workplace policy: A. Encourages employees to seek help if they are concerned that they are suffering from drug and/or alcohol dependence or substance abuse. B. Offers all employees assistance with alcohol dependence, drug addictions and/or substance abuse through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Treatment for alcoholism and/or drug use disorders may be covered by the employee benefit plan. However, the ultimate financial responsibility for recommended treatment belongs to the employee. If an employee does not seek help with a drug and/or alcohol problem until after a drug test has been taken, the employee will be subject to discipline under this Policy, unless otherwise required by law.


4.1 Based upon observable facts indicating the possible presence of alcohol, drugs or drug paraphernalia, management has the right to conduct searches or inspections of the employee including but not limited to: desks, toolboxes, lockers, lunch bags/boxes, garments, purses, backpacks, briefcases and vehicles on company property. However, the search of such vehicles will be limited to areas exposed to public view through the windows please refer to policy” Workplace Inspections and Searches.” Entering Company property constitutes consent by the employee to such searches and inspections.


5.1 The Human Resources Department will be responsible for administering and interpreting this policy.

5.2 All members of management will be responsible for constant observance of employee behavior. When such behavior gives reason to suspect drug and/or alcohol abuse, and an appearance, behavior or speech which leads a manager or supervisor to reasonably suspect that an employee’s ability to perform his or her job safely and effectively has been impaired, managers will report their findings to a higher level of management, or the Human Resources department.


6.1 This policy does not create any rights to continued employment. Nor do they create any contractual rights.


The Company reserves the right to modify, supplement, rescind, or revise any provisions of this policy or the application of this in particular circumstances, from time to time, as it deems necessary or appropriate in its discretion. The Company will, of course, strive in a reasonable and timely manner to advise employees of changes that occur or of new policies implemented.



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