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Walmart, Publix, Bi-Lo and Aldi

Autor:   •  October 9, 2018  •  2,366 Words (10 Pages)  •  748 Views

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- Aldi

Aldi’s website has the same features that the others have but they seem crowded, and the user can feel lost among the many photos on the home page. Even though these pictures are links, they do not have a clear purpose. On the bottom of the pages, there are items that available in the store. They are so many, therefore; instead of having them scattered, it would be better put them in a department page divided into different categories. The website might need to improve to deliver better services. Here is Aldi’s website ““

- Branding (Logo)

Generally speaking, each of these companies has a good branding in the market. To buy something cheap, go to Walmart or Aldi for example or to buy a good food (more about health) go to Publix. Also, each company has its color for branding. These companies have the corporate image, therefore; taking bout a particular point, it would be a good idea to brief the subject. This point is the logo of each company. The logo is used to identify the company, and it can tell us a lot about the company when it becomes part of its direct communication. From a communication point of view, I would analyze logos based on the identity point of view in general and some of the some of the graphical design perspective in the limit.

- Walmart[pic 1]

I like Walmart’s log because it is immediately recognizable. It is simple, readable, memorable and colorful. It has the branding colors of Walmart, and I like the way that the sample point to all the directions. I mean “North, South, East..., etc.” It seems that it tells people “you are going to find Walmart store at everywhere you go.” This logo has a distinctive meaning, that is, Walmart is a brand has an ID and popular. I remember when my family came to the US four year ago, my younger son had known any English but when he saw the Walmart sign, he remembered and said: “Dad let’s go to Walmart to buy my gift.”

[pic 2]

- Publix

The green color of Publix writing font is a good message to make people remember the healthy food. Also, the letter “P” has a unique shape which makes it recognizable. The logo is very simple, readable and memorable. One color is a very identifiable branding. However, I would suggest using a background to make it focus. If we make an oval green background and make the font in white that might bring more attention to the store or the brand.

[pic 3]


What has been said about Publix and Walmart is also applied to BI-LO. The general distinctive characteristics are very good. Branding and identity are represented in the logo, and so it can express and tell about the store or the company. However, the meaning of the logo is not clear. What is the Logo message? Is it to buy at a low price in the market? If so, this is not necessarily true when you go to buy from a BI-LO store.

- Aldi[pic 4]

Aldi’s logo is identifiable, readable and memorable. But its message is not clear to communicate with customers. Also, it is not simple, and it would be not effective if it pointed in one color. Five different colors are used in the logo. That makes it complicated and reduces the communication sense among the people from the side and the company on the other side.

- Social media

Not surprisingly, social media population might be the biggest one among the other media. Therefore, talking about social media is critical to compare among the four companies. As mentioned on above, each company has social media web pages connected to its website. Since Facebook is the vanguard of the social media, it is chosen to be analyzed. The elements of the analyzation are reporting, sharing, and engaging to classify the excellent, very good, good and bad work of the social media communication.

- Walmart

Walmart Facebook page has 33,124,217 like. For reporting point, it reports the events that it has special prices like Black Friday, new sales, roller back, and every popularized product in their stores. For sharing, people share some of the pages in hundreds. And for engaging, Walmart customer services responds to individuals who complain. This can be seen in the following snapshot

It is an excellent Facebook page.

- Publix

Publix has the same general lines like Walmart. It is a very good page. It has “2,677,159 like” and sharing pages in tens or hundreds. But it is less reporting products or new items. It also engages with customers like the following snapshot


BI-LO Facebook page has the same as the other two but in very less frequency compare to the other two. The like’s number is 130,327. It is reporting, sharing and engaging as seen in the following snapshot.

It is a good Facebook page.

- Aldi

Even though Aldi’s business is smaller than the other companies, it has a huge number of likes and follows on Facebook. It is fully engaged with it is customers. The number of likes is 2,018,756. The share pages are in tens or hundreds, and it is very organized. It has done an excellent work. The following snapshot shows some of the sharing number and engaging response.

- Press Release

Press release will be evaluated based on the answering questions start with (why, what, when, where, who, and how). It means that I am going to look at the Lede of the Press release and check whether it answers these questions. Is their exciting in stating these answers? The Press release has recently issued by each company.

- Walmart

The following Press release sample is issued on Walmart website, (

[pic 5]

It can read from the above Release that the 5 Ws questions are answered in the above Release, and it starts with beautiful phrase “we promised…” Obviously, for when’s question, we have “Black Friday” answer. For where’s question is “Walmart” and so on the others. The rest of


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