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Role of Employee’s Motivation in an Organization

Autor:   •  February 24, 2019  •  4,253 Words (18 Pages)  •  898 Views

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Many would be familiar with the monetary incentives in an organization such as Bonus, pensions, promotions etc but this article specifically mentions a number of non monetary incentives that highly motivate employees. This includes the status of an employee that not only comes from position but also from respect. Organizational Climate is another term used that refers to the relation between a manager and a subordinate. The more positive the relation, the more motivated the employee. Also, an organization must be willing to provide career advancements to their employees if they wish to keep them motivated. An employee who might easily get bored should be constantly given challenging tasks, job recognition and job security, three important factors of motivation.

The key to motivating any employee is perhaps making him feel like he’s part of the organization which can be done through assistance from all these factors.

(S, 2017)

ARTICLE 3: Understanding Employee Motivation

In the earlier times, humans were considered to be just another resource of production. After a lot of research on employees, the Hawthorne studies came into being which highlighted the fact that monetary incentives are not the only driving forces for their motivation. This added a more humanistic approach towards management of people and is referred to as human resource management in the contemporary world.

Later, the article talks about the importance of Motivation in employees. In the constantly changing dynamics, motivated employees help businesses survive and move forward. After the discussion on the motivating factors of employees, the results showed ‘interesting work’ as being the leading motivating factor. It is closely followed by good wages and appreciation of work done. Job security, pleasant working conditions and growth prospects in the organization served as closely following motivating factors.

There is an interesting revelation after comparison of these motivating factors with the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The top motivator; interesting work, is actually a factor of self actualization. Maslow’s theory, therefore, just talks about motivation for a certain group of people. The article further shows a comparison of multiple motivation theories and motivating factors.

(James R.Lindener, The Ohio State University in June 1998)

ARTICLE 4: Employee Motivation – A powerful new model

One of the most challenging tasks for the managers has been to keep the employees motivated. The article states that people are guided the most by their emotional drives which are to; acquire, bond, comprehend, defend.

The article is based on 2 major studies and various employees depending on the nature of the study. The aim of the research was to find out primary levers to satisfy each type of drive and the results that came up are as follows; Reward system is the primary lever for drive to acquire, culture for drive to bond, job design for drive to comprehend and performance management and resource allocation processes for drive to defend.

The article further states that just complying with the above factors to satisfy the drives doesn’t alone affect employee motivation. The employee’s perceptions of their direct supervisors matter just as much. So it is a mix and match between the primary levers and employee’s perception about their managers.

(NithinNoria, Boris, Linda Elling Harvard University)

ARTICLE 5: Management Practices as leverages of employee performance

The main objective of article is to define leverages of employee performance. Leverages are the factors that promote or enhance the level of employee performance and activities related to his/her work, which ultimately improve organization’s performance. Motivation is one of the leverages of employee performance.

A sample of 210 employees was drawn from various organizations in Delhi. The results showed that of all the management practices and personal characteristics, perceived adequacy of organizational support, procedural justice, training opportunity, job autonomy and motivation level came out as the most important predictors of overall employee performance. The study indicated that the employees tend to give much value to all the factors which can motivate them such as; continuous support and encouragement from management desk, fairness and equity in the distribution of work-related outcomes, opportunities for competence development, and freedom in connection to their jobs in order to accomplish their tasks successfully. The challenge for the management is, therefore, to keep track of these aspects of the work settings as their day-to-day matters and address them vigorously and systematically.

Kassahun, T. (2007).

ARTICLE 6: Personal & Situational Factors as Predictors of Managerial Motivation

This article attempts to test the validity in the Indian context of a widely accepted theory which suggests that human behavior is the product of a combination of both personal attributes and situational factors. The variables chosen for the study include

- Organizational commitment as a measure of behavior;

- Employee needs as a measure of personal attributes;

- Organizational climate as a measure of the situation.

The data for the study consisted of the responses to a structured questionnaire of 88 managers from two manufacturing organizations from the same industry and located in the same state in the eastern India. The findings of the study show that while the theory is fully supported, the situational factors are far more powerful than personal attributes in influencing behavior.

Sharma, B., &Mohapatra, M. (2009).

ARTICLE 7: The Importance of Motivation Factors on Employee Performance

Human resource management (HRM) is a relatively new term referring to workforce management in any company. People are considered a key resource in this approach. It deals with the human contribution in running an organization. Therefore organizations take care of their workers through human resources management, their selection, develop and polish their skills, motivating them to target and reach higher levels of achievement and success, along with ensuring the maintenance of their level


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