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Company Marketing Position Comparison

Autor:   •  November 14, 2017  •  1,327 Words (6 Pages)  •  887 Views

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Aaker, V. Kumar, G Day, R. Leone. Marketing Research 11th Ed. 2012, Wiley.

Lovelock. Services Marketing 5th Ed. 2004 Prentice-Hall

Gillespie, D. Hennessey Global Marketing 3rd ed 2011 McGraw Hill

Bruhn.Relationship Marketing2003 Prentice Hall

J.D. Lenskold Marketing ROI 2003 McGraw Hill

N.K.Malhotra., D.F.Birks, P. Wills, Marketing Research, 5th European ed, 2012

Chaffey, F. Ellis-Chadwick, Digital Marketing, Strategy, Implementation and Practice,5th Edition 2012

Students should also refer to marketing journals and periodicals


Advances in International Marketing

Asia Pacific International Journal of Marketing

Competitiveness Review Journal

European Journal of Marketing

International Business Review

International Journal of Bank Marketing

International Marketing Review

International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research


Journal of Academy of Marketing Science

Journal of Brand Management

Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing

Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing

Journal of Consumer Marketing

Journal of East-West Business

Journal of Euromarketing

Journal of Financial Services Marketing

Journal of Global Marketing

Journal of International Consumer Marketing

Journal of International Marketing

Journal of Management Studies

Journal of Marketing Communication

Journal of Marketing Management

Journal of Product & Brand Management

Journal of Retail and Distribution Management

Journal of Selling and Major Account Management

Journal of Strategic Marketing

Journal of Teaching in International Business

Journal of Transnational Management Development

Marketing (Belgrade)

Psychology & Marketing

Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal

Sloan Management Review

Strategic Management Publications


Marketing Assignment

The coursework for this module is focused around analyzing the effectiveness of the marketing of two competing firms. The objective is to provide students with an opportunity to integrate and apply theoretical insights accumulated from lectures and seminars with an assignment which is practitioner oriented. This assessment will help develop and stimulate a student’s understanding and management skills. Specifically, the course assessment will attempt to help the student develop knowledge and skills in the application of advanced frameworks, concepts, and methods in Marketing Management. By the end of the module, the student shall have a working knowledge of the approaches that organizations use to resolve marketing management issues.

The retail wars

Students will be assigned to a group which will analyse the marketing activities of two competing retailers either in fashion or supermarkets. The team should include a review of the retailers’ performance to-date and an assessment of their current and future positioning. The team should make sure that they provide details of how the retailers have arrived at this specific positioning, how they communicate it in a way that exploits the retailers’ particular strengths in the marketplace, why your team thinks they will be successful and what they consider success to be. The team should make extensive use of material available in the public domain and integrate it with theoretical insights.

The team should write its report in such a way as to identify why one firm markets themselves more effectively than the other and identify what other marketing activity could the preferred firm could undertake to enhance their company performance from a marketing perspective. To do this your team will also need to estimate the investment required to achieve the positioning and the expected results (in terms of market share over the next five years).

The coursework will also be evaluated according to the following criteria:

1. Evidence of mastery of the frameworks, concepts, and methods developed during the course;

2. The quality of the analysis – were the right questions asked?

3. The feasibility of the conclusions or recommendations – did they follow from the analysis?

4. The effectiveness of the written report.

5. The quality of the appendices ( Remember – appendices are not included in the word count!)

You are free to follow any format for your presentation and coursework. However, it must suffice two very important requirements: (a) clear integration of theory and practice throughout and (b) justifications of your perspectives.

Following is a generic structure guide you may wish to follow.

1. Where are they now?



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