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Transparency International Proposes

Autor:   •  April 1, 2018  •  Essay  •  1,573 Words (7 Pages)  •  607 Views

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If there is something contrary to the freedom of market is the corruption. And if there is something contrary to the company is the fault of a free market. The performance in the market, already was public or private, by means of the bribe, the traffic of influences or any modality of attentive corruption directly with the essence of the company: the competition.

We like responsible company and with a clear mission know that the transparency, the ethical and the values are important keys for the welfare of the companies, although they are not develop of direct way with the social responsibility.  The fight against the corruption has to form like part ineludible of the ethical commitment that has our company.

Transparency international proposes ten lines of performance in which centre the fight against the corruption in the private company:

1. Fulfillment of the principles of good corporate government (Code Unified of Good Corporate Government). 

2. Implementation in the company of an ethical code. 

3. Implementation of programs of normative fulfillment (Compliance Programmes).

 4. Implementation of channels of complaints for the communication of possible incumplimientos of the internal norms of the company and/or of the legal norms.

 5. Public information of the rewards of the directors and administrators.

 6. Public information of the contractings with the public sector and information of the subsidized activities by public helps.

 7. Public information of the politics of corporate social responsibility. 

8. Avoidance of practices of favour and corruption in the private sector. 

9. Avoidance of practices of corruption of foreign civil servants in the international transactions. 

10. Fulfillment of the fiscal obligations.

The economic system Mexican is governed by the financial system of the country. This is very important for our company in general since sand takes into account that in the country exist different sources of financiamiento for the different classifications of which the most readable is the banking loan, for this has  considered the Total Financial Cost this to be able to enjoy the total range of services that can present having a tax of stable and frequent credit.

In the sector bursátil, the canalisation of resources for investors is directly demandantes with the ones of credit since like company know perfectly like increasing of ours legal way internal economy and in this case we have a part of our capital of the company to those who deliver them resources of loan.

So much the legal system Mexican is very important to take into account like company that lives  with a society of risk, complex and corporate, having as resulted the commercial relations, the interaction, interests or values of the companies. The legislation of the country and the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation recognises to the “physical people” and to the “legal persons or morals” like independent subjects of rights and obligations.

The companies of Mexico are headlines of the human rights recognised in the own Mexican Constitution and in the international treaties of which the Mexico was recognised for the protection of said company, the rights of our company are the following:

  1. Equality in front of the law.
  2. Libertad of industry and trade, while they are lawful.
  3. Right to the integrity and corporate security.
  4. Libertad of expression.
  5. Right of residence.
  6. Libertad of association and meeting.
  7. Right of access to the justice.
  8. Right to the irretroactividad of the law.
  9. Right of audience and owed legal process.
  10. Right to the respect to the tutela judicial effective.
  11. Right to the legality.
  12. Right of defence and to the juridical security in matter of Penal Responsibility of Company.
  13. Juridical security.
  14. Juridical security in the legal procedures.
  15. Rights of the victim or offended.
  16. Right to the integral repair of the damage.
  17. Right to the equality and prohibition of discrimination.
  18. Juridical security concerning the imposición of sanctions and fines.
  19. Right to the inviolability of the domicile.
  20. Right to the inviolability of the private communications.
  21. Right to the property and heritage.
  22. Right of access to the information.
  23. Right to the data protection, industrial secrets and commercial secrets.
  24. Right of request.
  25. Right to the nationality.
  26. Right to the integral repair and to the maximum constitutional protection.
  27. Right to a healthy environment.
  28. Right to the repair by rapes to the human rights.

In México the direct foreign investments are in increase according to hiss up to date figures, this is a profit for our company since if these investments are still in increase beneficiaria to the country to generate greater entry in generation of employment, development and catchment of currencies.

 The companies will follow stimulating the competition and incentivar the exports of country in country.

They exist a lot of profits that ours company exist in the country since the profits of the IED form to all the economy promoting the international trade and like this allow the financiamiento of companies, improving the opportunities of employment; and something very important for any company is the competitiveness, to greater technology and a greater degree of productivity of all the productive factors. These profits see  very marked for the domestic consumer since it increases and prevails the variety products to better prices.


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