Results in the Hospital
Autor: Maryam • January 16, 2018 • 859 Words (4 Pages) • 744 Views
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accomplished hospital managers in the country. Six years later, the American
College of Hospital Administrators named him Hospital Administrator of the Year.
In his short acceptance speech Armstrong said: “To take the job as hospital
administrator was the most intelligent thing I did in my whole life—it’s been a
wonderful six years. But the one question I came in to answer, I still can’t answer.
In fact, I am more confused now than I was six years ago. I know now that a
modern big-city hospital has a multitude of objectives and serves a multitude of
customers and clients: the doctors, who look upon the hospital as an extension of
their practice; the patients, who expect us to cure them or at least not to harm
them; their families; the community; the various agencies—governments, Blue
Cross, insurance companies, employers, unions, and so on—who pay our bills;
and many others. I know that we are expected to remedy damage that has
already been done, the one job we are reasonably good at. But we are
increasingly expected to be the community’s health care center and to help keep
healthy people healthy. Increasingly we are expected to substitute for the private
physician in treating the poor, especially in the inner city. “I have given up the
hope of finding one performance goal and one performance measurement. But
what bothers me is that I really don’t know how to measure performance in any
one of these missions. I do not know how to define what is ‘good performance’ in
any area, what to strive for, what to give priority to, and what to abandon or play
down. With 14 percent of the country’s national product going to health care—
and the cost going up—health care is too important not to have objectives,
performance standards, and measurements. But can any one of you experienced
hospital administrators in the audience tell me what objectives, goals, standards,
and measurements you are using or which ones I might try using?”
1. Can you think of better Communication to improve the performance?
2. Propose a tool using your Communication skills to improve the