Basic File Restore Using Commvault
Autor: Adnan • October 4, 2017 • 1,037 Words (5 Pages) • 1,099 Views
the default location of the restore data (The default location is the original location the data was protected). Click the Advanced button if you wish to restore to a server located in a different Data Centre. If not click OK to start the restore operation.
7. The restore operation should now be running in the job controller window
Restore process using the “find” feature
Use the above process from steps 1 to 4
1. The selections window will now appear beside the Commcell Browser window. Expand the Client then the Agent and finally Right click the DefaultBackupSet. Select Find.
2. In the Find window, enter the file name or extension (wild cards can be used if required), and the Location such as C:\Mission Critical and click the Search Button.
3. Once the search is complete (this can take a minute or two depending on the amount of data and the size of the indexes), select the data you wish to restore, right click and click “Restore”. This will take you to the “Restore Options” window.
If you have multiple files to restore from different locations, first search, then right click the file you wish to restore and select the “Add to Select List” option. Search again and add further items to the list. Once completed click the Selected Items tab, highlight all files, right click and select “Restore”.
4. In the “Restore Options” window, select the server to restore data to and deselect the “Restore to Same Paths” check box to change the default location of the restore data (The default location is the original location the data was protected). Click the Advanced button if you wish to restore to a server located in the NYC Data Centre. If not click OK to start the restore operation.
5. The restore operation should now be running in the job controller window
Document Control
The information contained in this document is proprietary, and is to be used by Macquarie Group Limited and Macquarie Group Limited employees only.
Document Properties
Title Basic file restore using CommVault
Author Geoff Hadden
Category User Guide, Process, Procedure
Keywords Restore process for CommVault
File name Basic file restore using CommVault.docx
File location
Version History
Date Issue # Details Author
31/1/2011 0.1 First draft Geoff Hadden