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Autor:   •  February 15, 2018  •  1,628 Words (7 Pages)  •  600 Views

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related elements.

Maggie described this with the iceberg principal

- Conscious awareness (top)

- Preconscious

- Ego

- Superego

- Unconscious id (bottom)

The Id is the part of our personality concerned with satisfying instinctual basic needs of food,

comfort and pleasure. The Id is present from birth or possibly before.

Superego develops later in a child’s life from above the age of three according to Freud, the

superego curbs and controls the basic instincts.

Ego is defined as the realistic awareness of self. The ego is the logical and common sense side to

your personality.

The limitations to this are if the child’s knowledge remains scent, because parents, teachers or peers

ignore the subject, then that child’s depression will continue into adult life and makes its

interpersonal relationships with members of the opposite sex often more difficult.

review the value of Freud’s contribution to psychodynamic theory.

Freud believed that everybody experiences tension and conflict between the three elements of their

personalities. E.g. desire for pleasure (Id) is restrained by the moral sense of right and wrong

(superego). Then you have the ego which balances up the tension between id wanting to be

satisfied and the superego being strict. Freud formed the option that at early stages in childhood

were responsible for the development of personality especially during the first five years of your life.

Freud goes further into this and divided the infants development into stages relating to the relative

importance of zonal regions of the body, these were known as psychosexual stages. Yes some i

agree with but the first parts I don’t.

These parts are:-

- The oral stage – birth to about 18 months.

All attention is directed towards the mouth by the actions of feeding, drinking and sucking. The physiology of these actions is to ensure survival. This is the stage I disagree with because I feel you can’t remember that far back. It was funny because I spoke with my mum about this stage and how you can’t remember that far back, you are told by people what you did but can you really remember this.

- The anal stage – from 18 months to about 3 years.

The period sees the attention of the infant directed to the elimination of waste and of any feelings experienced by the child associated with this action. This is the first period where the infant can experience some element of control, over whether or not he does it, and where he does it. E.g. he learns that he can receive attention from his carer doing it on the floor instead of potty.

- The phallic stage – from 3 to 5 years.

This period refers to the child's awareness of genital regains and of awareness that the genitals can provide feelings, either when eliminating or when manipulated. Freud believed that during this phase, girls become aware of their penis deficiency whereas boys become nervous of castration.

- The latency stage – from 5 to adolescence.

Negligible sexual activity takes place after the age of 5 and this situation remains the case until adolescence.

- The generically stage – adolescence to adulthood.

At this point the physiology drives are orientated towards reproduction, with all the inherent pressures on the young person of their feelings. Or moral values.

3.1/3.2/3.3 Be able to evaluate own practice.

I feel at the moment I am working at a slower pace with struggling with the pain, i seem to be

loosing 2 weeks every month and this Saturday was no different, i do feel i learnt a bit at the day

school and am. I do feel I still need to work alot on the core skills which are:-

- Active listening (ok doing this)

- Paraphrasing (need to work more on this as struggle to find the words)

- Summarising (same as the paraphrasing)

- Clarifying

- Reflecting

- Open ending questions


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