Autor: Joshua • February 23, 2018 • 979 Words (4 Pages) • 582 Views
“we will never be able to anticipate the ultimate outcome”
Also, as the text claims, we would not be able to know the consequences of modifying a human, and are the possible negative residues [t]of this really worth risking?
A lot of people see the human species as the end of the evolutionary process. In the Abrahamic religions our species were created perfect, at the start. But then we suffered ‘’the fall’’ where God cursed us. According to this argument[u], there is no way to improve our self[v], since we have been perfect from the start. We are created in the image of god, and god only wants the best for us.
Transhumanists see it in a very different perspective – in their head[w], humans are not the end of evolutionary process, nur [x]do they think that they are perfect – not at all. But thinking about it, what is perfect, even?
We humans strive after [y]being perfect, but why should we do that? When we could strive to improve ourselves, and the world as a whole. They [z]think that humans exist, because of their ancestors technology.[aa]
I am afraid that if we live in a transhumant [ab]society, we will live in constant fear. The feeling of slowly, seeing ourselves being replaced. [ac]Is live [ad]really so precious, if you can live forever? Well I don’t think so. If we live forever, we will never take chances. ‘’You only live once’’, a motto that has been used a lot of times. [ae]A motto we can no more use, if this happens. Of course I want to live forever – but I also want to see my children live. With a society of immortals, there will no room for new children. I support trans humanism[af], but only if we talk about curing deadly diseases.[ag]
Alexander Velin
Dit sprog flyder godt og er varieret, ligesom der heller ikke er mange grammatiske fejl.
Men du udtrykker ikke altid dine tanker særlig klart, hvad de to sidste afsnit er eksempler på. Det vil hjælpe at arbejde mere med struktur: Lav en indledning, der fortæller læseren, hvilket tema der er på spil, samt hvordan du vil besvare opgaven (med summary, analysis og discussion). Du kan også allerede i indledningen løfte sløret for, hvad din diskussion senere afslører. Afslutningsvis kunne du i en konklusion have summeret hele opgaven op. På den måde vil læseren føle sig taget godt ved hånden gennem hele din tekst.
Essaystruktur og dens indflydelse på, hvordan man organiserer og kommunikerer sine tanker, udgør en generel problematik, som jeg vil adressere i klassen.