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Autor:   •  January 6, 2019  •  1,403 Words (6 Pages)  •  623 Views

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It has been known to kill deer, especially in the winter months when smaller prey is scarce, or when deer population becomes more plentiful. One study of the everglades showed many kills (33 of 39) were fawns, but prey up to 8 times the bobcats weight could be successfully slaughtered. In some cases of deer being the prey, the bobcat will eat its fill and bury the remain in snow or under leaves with the intention of being able to feed again.

The average lifespan of a bobcat in the wilderness is 7 years and hardly ever exceeds 10. The oldest cats on record are 16 in the wild and 32 in captivity (National Geographic, 2017).

These creatures like most wildlife, begin breeding around their 2nd summer, nonetheless females may start as soon their first year. The female raises the young alone and litters can be from 1 to 6 kittens but normally is 2 to 4, usually born in April or May.

The adult bobcat has few predators other than humans, even though it may be killed in interspecific conflicts. Cougars and grey wolves can and will kill bobcats, (National Geographic, 2017) a behavior that has been repeat ably observed in Yellowstone Park. Kittens maybe taken by several predators including but not limited to owls, eagles, foxes, coyotes, bear, and other male bobcats. Diseases, accidents, hunters, automobiles, and starvation are the leading causes of death in these creatures. The bobcat may carry external parasites, fleas and ticks, and often carries the parasites of its prey. But one mite lynxacarus morlani is found in bobcats and bobcats only.

The bobcat is an adaptable organism. It prefers woodland- deciduous, coniferous, or mixed- but unlike other lynx species it does not depend solely on the deep forest. It ranges from the humid swamps of Florida, to desert plans of Texas, and the rugged terrain of the Great Smoky Mountains. It makes its home near agricultural areas, if rocky ledges, swamps or forest tracts are present their spotted coats serve as camouflage. The population of bobcats depends primarily on the population of its prey; other factors in the selection of habitat type includes protection from severe weather, availability of rest and den sites, dense cover for hunt and escape, and freedom from disturbance. The bobcat range does not seem to be limited by human population, if it can find suitable habitat; only large intensely cultivated tracts are unsuitable for the creature. This animal cannot tolerate deep snow as can its cousin the Canadian lynx; it will wait out heavy storms in sheltered areas. Urbanization can result in fragmentation of contiguous natural habitats.


Alroy, J. (2017, 10 14). Macquire University.

Calahagn, V. H. (n.d.). Meeting the Mammals. Kessigner publishing.

National Geographic. (2017, 10). Retrieved from

Ulmer Jr, F. A. (1941). Melanism in Felines. Journal of Mammalogy.


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