Fiestas Patrias
Autor: • August 7, 2017 • Creative Writing • 1,325 Words (6 Pages) • 748 Views
Fiestas Patrias (inglés)
Peru is a multicultural country and so has presented various festivities throughout completely different from each country.
The celebrations of Peru are signs fervorosidad of its people and are often linked to religious origins and to combinations of native religions with the catholic brought by the Spanish conquistadores.
Holy Thursday is a day in Holy Week in which commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples. In it, Christ instituted the sacrament of the Eucharist, where He is present through the conversion of bread and wine into his body and blood, and the sacrament of Holy Orders.
On Holy Thursday Jesus gathered his disciples to celebrate Easter at a special dinner where he washed the feet of his disciples by giving an example of humility and love, he instituted the priesthood with the words ?? Do this in remembrance of me ?? to change bread and wine into his Body and his Blood, at which also institutes the Eucharist so stay with us forever.
When is Good Friday (Easter)?
Good Friday (Holy Week) is celebrated on March 25, 2016.
What is Good Friday (Easter)?
Good Friday is one of the main celebrations of the religion of Christianity, within the so-called Easter. This day the death of Jesus of Nazareth is remembered. On this day, the Catholic Church sends his faithful to fast and abstain from meat as penance.
Good Friday Way of the Cross is remembered, so you call the path that Jesus had to go on his shoulders the tree in which it was to be crucified. His death on the cross and burial. It is at the heart of Holy Week.
It is the day of maximum pain and death of Jesus. Day of mourning and no Mass is celebrated, but a rite of prayer is the only year in which it is not held to express the mourning of the church. Passion We read of John, we pray for all causes in a continuous ceremony kneel and rise, and in the center of the celebration is the solemn adoration of the Cross, but as we have mentioned is not a mass, but a rite of prayer. The morning of this day is dedicated to devotional practices as the Via Crucis, visiting monuments, penitential processions.
During Holy Week, which begins on Palm Sunday and ends on Easter Sunday, the Peruvian religious country continues to participate with fervor of the various liturgies and activities commemorating the most important days in the Christian calendar.
Consulted the Jesuit priest Fr. Armando Nieto, these are the best-known traditions and practiced during Holy Week in our city and also between Christians from different parts of Peru:
- Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. On Palm Sunday there is an ancient practice found in some towns, even in Surco, of carrying a donkey ridden by a character representing Christ. This custom is held in Arequipa and Trujillo.
- Confessions. On Wednesday afternoon and all day Thursday Santo was and is customary to go to confession. "Now many people will confess during Easter, but before it was a widespread custom" Father Nieto explains.
- The visit to the seven churches. This is a custom that comes from Rome and Spain. People pray in silence to accompany the Lord in his passion in front of a monument erected outside the main altar where it is kept the holy. So they go touring various temples in the city.
- The sermon of the seven words. In churches they were exposed from 12 a.m. to 3 p.m. the last words of Christ on Good Friday. From 1937, it was transmitted by radio by a priest and in the sixties became television. Currently, it is broadcast on television from the Cathedral and takes about an hour and a half.
- The ordeal. It was done after the service on Good Friday afternoon. There are 14 stations to pray and remember the steps of Jesus from being arrested to be buried. John Paul II was the one who added the 15th station is the resurrection. It is transmitted by television from Rome and the Pope presides around the Colosseum.
- The procession of the Holy Sepulchre. It is carried out in Lima and Arequipa. the image