Convenience Vs Conservation
Autor: Maryam • October 6, 2018 • 2,224 Words (9 Pages) • 609 Views
most water while showering.
As a technique to save water, I recommend Navy Showers ( a precisely 2 min bath in an effort to make budgeted use of water)
Government has passed some resolutions of using water for specific purposes like watering gardens but they’re ineffective in saving any water.
I personally try to save water in my everyday routine. Example i carry a bottle of water along with me instead of drinking from the water fountain every time.
I think people should use more water to drink than to shower. It’s more hydrating that way and you save water.
In my house I have low water usage washing machines, toilets, and inline water pipes from sink for heating so the water doesn’t go to directly to the drain.
The prices of water are low in Massachusetts because of the revolutionary 1930 construction of ‘Quabbin reservoir’ which provides ample water.
Follow-up items:
We plan to take a trip to understand the capacity and source of Quabbin reservoir. We want to predict the amount of time left before the source of water for Massachusetts runs out and the state suffers a drought again. This will help us in pricing of the prototype once water prices go up and saving water becomes cheaper option.
Interview Summary 2
Interviewee Background
Person interviewed: Andy Lai
Reason person selected:
Location of interview: Olin Hall Cafe
Date and Time of interview: 2017/09/18 Duration of interview (min): 17 mins
Person(s) conducting interview: Aman & Qian
Summary of interview main points:
Water system is efficient in this country.
Developing country needs.
Use minimal amount to flush.
Use an efficient shower head to reduce minimal water wastage.
Filtered to use only for washing purposes, it can‘t be used to cook or to drink.
Will not spend more money on facilities which cannot save money significantly.
Conscious thought of saving water is popular in developing countries. Because they have limited resources
Flushing toilet and showing use the most water everyday.
American people use as much water as they want, they don’t want to be accountable for it.
Follow-up items:
Andy makes a good point that the water price in the United States is cheap. As a result, him as a customer is not willing to pay a high price to save some water since it will not save them so much money. Therefore, we will have to control the cost of our product and make it able to long-term use to save people’s money in a long run.
Interview Summary 3
Interviewee Background
Person interviewed: Qiulu Zeng
Reason person selected:
Location of interview: Olin Hall Cafe
Date and Time of interview: 2017/09/19 Duration of interview (min): 20 mins
Person(s) conducting interview: Aman & Qian
Summary of interview main points:
It’s inconvenient to flush the toilet with used water.
It’s also a little dirty and foamy to use washing machine water to flush the toilet.
Worry about the quality of water using twice. She can only tolerate flushing the toilet.
People are aware of saving water, but there is no systems, channels for people to do that.
Too lazy to do more thing to save water.
In USA, most people do not save water and it can be followed others.
Washing hands at least 1 minute each time.
Showering 40 minutes everyday.
Do the laundry 5 times per week.
People are not be warned about water pollution and scarcity frequently.
Follow-up items:
Qiulu said she could only tolerate flushing the toilet with used water since she deeply worried about the quality of water using twice. As a result, we need to investigate more on the filtering system to make sure that we can provide relatively clean water for people to flush the toilet. She also mentioned that people are not be warned about water saving. Therefore, we can add a counter on the toilet to show how many gallons of water were saved cumulatively by using our product.
Interview Summary 4
Interviewee Background
Person interviewed: Mr Kent (Plumber in Bayberryhill apartment)
Reason person selected: Field Expert around water facilities
Location of interview: Bayberryhill apartment
Date and Time of interview: 9/19/17 4:30 pm Duration of interview (min): 20
Person(s) conducting interview: Qian and Aman
Summary of interview main points:
As a plumber, I feel people can save a lot of water in the bathroom if they use it wisely. The automatic sensor taps help a great deal in that.
Bathroom flushes consume a lot of water. ( about 5 - 7.5 gallons per use)
The pool water can be used in a variety of ways for non essential water uses. Example -