Opportunism Fairness
Autor: Maryam • March 6, 2018 • 783 Words (4 Pages) • 623 Views
- Uncertainty and ambiguity. I don’t know what to take pizza or sandwich. Your priorities are not stable you have unclear objectives.
- Maximization of well being
- Preferences are shaped also on emotions trust and reciprocity
- Human being has social needs
- Cooperative behavior
- It may still be opportunistic (Here there is room for cooperation but they can still be opportunistic).
Sell fulfilling prophecies (in theory X & Y)
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- If I have the risk of just increasing my utility and the three of us are in an organization, when my utility is different from yours I’ll tend to deviate from their utilities.
Rose : si je m’écoute je fais ce que je veux peu importe les objectifs de la société. Je dors toute la journée si mon travail n’est pas vérifié et je suis payé c’est la situation parfaite. Du coup mon travail est vérifié donc je vais avoir un comportement très opportuniste.
There is no room for originality because we don’t let anyone take responsibility.
- Firms will tend to delegate because there is a common goal in the organization. The fact that they are not controlled allows them to be more motivated. The more you delegate the more people are cooperative and loyal.
If we let people take too much responsibility they don’t know how to do everything so it is risky.
Group behavior (what model explain organizations behavior?)
- Organizations have clear goals, formal structures and procedures, information systems…
- Hence, a model of perfect rationality may provide a better representation of group decisions.
- But, even group behavior is often not perfectly rational
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