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Matlab Assignmen - Mhat and Sdhat

Autor:   •  October 25, 2017  •  749 Words (3 Pages)  •  560 Views

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JB represents a test statistics of Jarque-Bera test which states that residuals are normally distributed. The low P-value (less than 5%) means that H0 does not hold, thus residuals of the regression are not normally distributed.

The P-values overall hold the hypothesis.

T represents the periods in the sample data in this case a time span of 10 years.

Mhat and sdhat represent the estimator of the mean and the standard deviation respectively in the data set and in this case they are positive for assets in question. Gaussian distribution has a kurtosis of 3 and a skewness of 0. Both DJINDUS and FRCAC40 the skewness is close to 0 which means that it is symmetrical. While kurtosis of DJINDUS and FRCAC40 are really high which means the data has fat tails and low even distribution.

JB represents a test statistics of Jarque-Bera test which states that residuals are normally distributed. The low P-value (less than 5%) means that H0 does not hold, thus residuals of the regression are not normally distributed.

The P-values overall hold the hypothesis.

T represents the periods in the sample data in this case a time span of 10 years.

Mhat and sdhat represent the estimator of the mean and the standard deviation respectively in the data set and in this case they are positive for assets in question. Gaussian distribution has a kurtosis of 3 and a skewness of 0. Both DJINDUS and FRCAC40 the skewness is close to 0 which means that it is symmetrical. While kurtosis of DJINDUS and FRCAC40 are really high which means the data has fat tails and low even distribution.

JB represents a test statistics of Jarque-Bera test which states that residuals are normally distributed. The low P-value (less than 5%) means that H0 does not hold, thus residuals of the regression are not normally distributed.

The P-values overall hold the hypothesis.


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