Autor: Rachel • March 23, 2018 • 1,429 Words (6 Pages) • 923 Views
- What protocol is important for this negotiation? (where we negotiate, when we negotiate, who is present, agenda to be followed)
- Where we negotiate: Negotiators are more comfortable on their home, own offices. So we will negotiate at my home, as buyer can check car at my home easily.
- Agenda to be followed: I will be friendly rather than avoiding so that I can make a good deal.
- One of the nation’s major producer of computers. Crawley plant makes more than 40 different modules for my plant. We are 5 miles away from crawley.
- My raw material is not of good quality (received from crawley plant). Dispute is Crwaley plant is to maintain a 95% overall acceptance level for all modules shipped to me. Or to maintain that standard for each of the 42 modules shipped.
- 12 types of modules have erratic quality and often fall below 95% level.
- Its creating problem with customers, who complained about the improper operation of the products that contained the crawley modules. In past too due to poor quality products we had to work overtime to correct the defects which added extra expense.
- Ideally I want all modules free of defects. Which is impossible, so I feel that you should at least accept expense of repair, extra inspections and overtime required by the poor quality of parts.
- I am rejecting $15000 of modules in a week. I am continuing to make repair on remaining 30 types of modules as the need for repair was discovered in assembly or final inspection.
- Expense of repairing all faulty modules:
- Expense of repairing all faulty modules other than 12 types that fall below 95% level:
- Expense of repairing all faulty modules of 12 types that fall below 95% level:
- How to handle the repair of the faulty modules of 12 types that fall below 95% level: Send back and repairing or I will repair and pay me repairing cost.
- How to handle the repair of the faulty modules other than 12 types that fall below 95% level: I will repair it, pay me expense of repair, extra inspection and overtime.
- Complaints from customers as well as unfavorable attention from higher management for failing to meet production schedules.
- I would like to additional expenses resulting from these problems to be transferred to crawley plant.
- He refused to accept any cost.
- They are saying expense incurred because of faulty modules should be taken as regular business expense.
- It’s true we repaired faulty items received from other vendors, but just to avoid interrupting production by sending them back to suppliers.
- I believe that company should charge to suppliers for these costs.
- They will have to absorb the expense on the cost of repairing faulty items of 12 types of modules where quality is below 95% level.
- Either accept the faulty parts back to replace or repair them quickly, or that they pay me to put repair staff to work on them , even if overtime is necessary.
- We both will be called by vice president if we didn’t solve this problem.
- Although I am dependent on you but I have right to accept only good quality products.
- It’s about maintaining a good reputation in market for you.
- Ultimately our target is to get parts into the phillips with minimum faulty parts, so that production can continue and customers can be served.