Entr 3110 Am I an Introvert or Extrovert?
Autor: Maryam • October 8, 2018 • 1,677 Words (7 Pages) • 703 Views
Application of insights on the job
By doing this activity today, I realized the information which people perceive can be very limited. Thus, I should ask for opinions from other team members when we are doing group work to avoid perceptual limitations and biases. I will also listen attentively to the advice that others provide when I make decisions. With the knowledge of that the biases of our perceptual process may ruin my judgment, I should always take a step back from the situation, and think in a more rational way. I should also ask myself how would I react to this situation when I see someone encounter interpersonal conflicts at the workplace. Self-reflection is needed even when I am not the one who was involved in conflict.
Implications for effectively leading organizations
By asking teammates for feedback and sharing my opinion with them, I can create an open discussion environment that makes the team more efficient than before. Besides, when I face situations that are complex and are related to interpersonal aspects, I would try to ask myself why this happens and what causes people to think and act in this way. By considering these issues more deeply, I will learn to respect the diversity of individuals’ personalities and be more tolerant of the things that are not making sense to me. To think rationally, I can avoid judging people by “first impressions” and stereotyping; my attitudes toward others would not be distorted by my perceptions. Thus, I believe I will build a positive working environment for the team.
Journal Entry #3
Title: Can we find “rewards” from ourselves?
Date: Oct 13 2016
Insights from learning materials or class activities
This week, I read an article that talks about the intrinsic rewards. The article is focusing on explaining what intrinsic rewards are and why the intrinsic rewards have advantages over the extrinsic rewards. While I was reading the article, I had gained a deep insight into intrinsic rewards. I tried asking myself a question when I was reading the article: If I was working at a job position that pays me a good salary, but the manager is not very nice to me, would I feel happy to work at this position? Would I work for this position for a long time? After I had thought for a while, I realized that my answer would be: no. The extrinsic rewards, such as money, are the things that we directly earned from our employer (Thomas, 2009). However, we cannot “earn” intrinsic rewards directly from our business; it may depend on the mood or the emotion of the employer at that moment; or sometimes it may depend on the employer’s education level or personal morality (Thomas, 2009).
Application of insights on the job
I will try to motivate myself even when I am doing the tasks that are pointless and valueless for me. To inspire my motivation, I will list down the things that make me feel comfortable to do and the things that might discomfort me. I will also try to find the benefits of doing the challenges I don’t like and see the advantages of doing it. By doing so, my intrinsic rewards will increase from low level to high level, which will energize and engage myself (Thomas, 2009). The reason for doing this is that If I don’t put an effort on the things that I am struggling with and always make myself as comfortable as I want, I will never have the chance of growth and improvement. Although difficulties force me to feel depressed and frustrated, the only way to make myself move forward is to defeat the all the difficulties.
Implications for effectively leading organizations
I think the one who can energize himself can inspire the motivation for others among the group. Meanwhile, a leader who knows how to encourage himself should be aware how to support others. According to expectancy theory, people will put effort at a task that they believe that effort will result in improvement performance, which in turn will result in something valuable (Elsbach, Kayes, &Kayes, 2016). I think If an individual always avoids the things that he is unhappy with, he would never get improvement. Thus, I will tell my teammates about the benefits of challenging themselves to try the things they are not confident in and encourage them to do so.
Elsbach, K. D., Kayes, A. B., & Kayes, D. C. (2016). Contemporary Organizational Behavior. Boston: Pearson.
Robinson, L., Segal, Jeanne. (2016, October). Effective communication. Retrieved from HelpGuide: http://www.helpguide.org/articles/relationships/effective-communication.htm
Myers, K. D., Kirby, L. K. (2015). Introduction to Myers-Briggs Type.
Thomas, K. (2009, November / December). The Four Intrinsic Rewards that Drive Employee Engagement. Retrieved from Ivey Business Journal: http://iveybusinessjournal.com/publication/the-four-intrinsic-rewards-that-drive-employee-engagement/