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The Dope Peddlers

Autor:   •  January 7, 2018  •  2,106 Words (9 Pages)  •  783 Views

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TASHA: OH MY GOD! She cries. Who did this to you?

STEVE: Muffles, trying to speak but was not able because he had tape over his mouth.

TASHA: crying while removing the tape from his mouth so she can understand him.

STEVE: Ouch! He said

TASHA: Sorry Sorry she replies.

STEVE: Ive been robbed he said.

TASHA: Did you see who robbed you? She asked.

STEVE: No I was asleep was caught off when they attacked me.

TASHA: well I am going to call the police.

STEVE: NO! he shouted.

TASHA: but why? She asked.

STEVE: I have criminal background they would not believe me.

TASHA: You’re going to need medical attention you have lost a lot of blood. What I am going to say happened to you when we get to the hospital she asked?

STEVE: Unconsciousness again. (Due to the amount of blood he has lost from the cut from his throat.)

TASHA: not knowing what to do panics and calls Ace. But get no answer.

(An hour pass by then finally calls back)

ACE: Hello!!

TASHA: In distraught voice. Yells babe my dad has been beat up and he is not responding and I don’t know what to do.

ACE: Wait Wait slow down. Did he tell you what happened or saw who did t.?


ACE: Where are you?

TASHA: At his house. I need help I don’t know what to do because he told me not to call the police…

ACE: okay love I will be there shortly.

Z: what did she say? Did he see us? Does he know we were the ones who did it.???

ACE: Slow down!!! No! he didn’t see anything.

Z: We need to come up with a plan.

ACE: Like what?

Z: To get Tasha to collaborate with us.

ACE: I don’t understand what you are trying to say?

Z: We need to get her to lie about what happened.

ACE: She is not going to do it that’s her father she will do anything to find the people who did it. And that is us.

Z: Well... You need to convince her or our live are over because we are going to jail.

ACE: what makes you think I can convince her?

Z: She is your girlfriend. She listens to you.

ACE: Not about this she won’t.

(Ace got in the car and Z stayed behind because he didn’t want to be nowhere near the scene. He was afraid that he would look guilty.)

(ACE arrives to STEVE’s house contemplating on how she is going to convince TASHA to go with a different story from her fathers.)

(TASHA sitting on the couch with her hands over her head still crying.)

ACE: (walking through the door.) Babe?

TASHA: (in a crying voice) what am I going to do she replies?

ACE: well you know you can’t call the police. You will be involved in this.

TASHA: I have to do something to help him though. He is my father after all. We may not have had the best relationship in the world but...

ACE: UMmm… well I have an idea. To get out this situation without your name being involved and you are having to make a statement to the police.


ACE: We can call the police anonymous to report a crime.

TASHA: They can trace that stuff Ace.

ACE: We don’t have to call from a cell phone we can call from a pay phone. Just to avoid from being part of this whole situation.

TASHA: And what we going to say to them?

ACE: I can say that I was driving by and I saw two people wearing black and with skully mask over their face running out the house.

TASHA. What if that doesn’t work? Then what are we going to do.

ACE: Just don’t stress yourself about it, calm down. Everything will work perfect fine.

(Tasha &Ace go to check on father and tries to wake him up but they got nothing. He was still alive but just unconscious)

TASHA: We need to call the police. (She screams)

ACE: NO! We have to go to through with the plan.

TASHA: okay we need to get him some help soon or he will not make it.

ACE: Okay I will go look for a pay phone you stay here just in case he wakes up.

TASHA: NO! I am coming along.

(They both got in the car to search for a pay phone.)

(They have found one a couple blocks away from Steve’s house)

OPERATOR: 911 what is emergency

ACE: (in deep Voice) Hello I am calling to report might have look like a crime.

OPERATOR: Okay, what was it that you sir. And what is the location of this incident. What is your name and location?

ASH: I want to remain anonymous and the location is 1289 pollan street west palm beach fl 33456..



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